ILLS is a general linguistics conference open to all subfields and aimed primarily at providing graduate and undergraduate students a friendly venue to present their work. The ILLS annual conference is proud to be entirely student-organized and operated by the Linguistics Student Organization at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

ILLS is a great conference to network, get feedback and jumpstart your conference presentation journey! In the past, ILLS has held special sessions on a variety of themes including Minority Languages, Pragmatics, and Multilingualism. Since 2009 this conference has grown to include student presenters from across the country; in 2013, we reached a milestone of one hundred registered attendees.

ILLS16 is special because we accommodate the needs of graduate students and their circumstances. Thanks to our sponsors, we offer an affordable registration fee, and UIUC graduate students offer crash space for incoming presenters as a substitute for expensive hotels. ILLS16 fosters an environment that accommodates fellow students, and emphasizes diversity, equity and inclusion.